I've been taking notes on the reading just to help my memory, and I thought I'd occasionally share them with you. Some of it is paraphrased in my own words and some of it is direct quotation. I haven't used any sort of fancy citation method (MLA, APA), so you'll just have to forgive me for that and realize I intend no copyright infringement. Calvin has a way of articulating theological beliefs in a very logical way, so I hope you benefit from reading these. I'll post occasionally, but I won't inundate you with Calvin.
Chapter 1.2.2-3.3
- The fact that people are prone to idolatry is evidence for the existence of God and human awareness of Him
- It's foolish to think that people just made up God in order to intimidate/control others; such intimidation/control would not be possible had people not already had a sense of God innately.
- Even non-Christian/pagan philosophers (Plato, Plutarch) have acknowledged that man's greatest good is knowing God, even if they don't identify that God as YHWH
Chapter 1.4.1-5.1
- "[God]" can never deny himself, and is no spectre or phantom, to be metamorphosed at each individual's caprice."
- "No religion is genuine that is not in accordance with truth." ~Lactantius
- Non-believers in the presence of God feel not remorse, but "forced and servile fear which divine judgment extorts--judgment whcih, from the impossibility of escape, they are compelled to dread, but which, while they dread, they at the same time also hate."
- This is actually opposition to God since they wish to overthrow His justice.
- "The author of Hebrews elegantly describes the visible worlds as images of the invisible, the elegant structure of the world serving as a kind of mirror, in which we may behold God, though otherwise invisible."
Chapter 1.5.2-5
- God reveals himself in nature, science, medicine, even the human body
- We have within ourselves evidence of heavenly grace.
- "'Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained strength.' Thus he declares not only that the human race are a bright mirror of the Creator's works, but that infants hanging on their mother's breasts have tongues eloquent enough to proclaim his glory without the aid of other orators."
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