Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dreamlander by K.M. Weiland

Read on my Kindle!

Genre: Fantasy, Christian Fiction

Book Summary: Chris Redston is a journalist generally tired of life. He's tired because when he sleeps, he has vivid dreams of a fantasy world. Soon, he learns that the fantasy world, Lael, is as real as his own, and as the Gifted, he exists in both of them and there is a great destiny he must fulfill. He is the expected hero, but may also be both worlds' undoing.

Indulgent Book Talk: I'm just a fan of this author. She writes the kind of fiction I aspire to write, so reading her books is as much of a lesson in writing as an enjoyable read. And enjoyable this book was. I'm appreciative of fantasies that can contain themselves in one book and don't need three or four (or more!) to tell their stories, and K.M. Weiland's plotting and story-telling are riveting. I think we call books like this "page-turners?" I definitely was clicking my Kindle pretty furiously through this one!

Glorifying Elements: Weiland is a committed Christian and is also committed to flushing out those themes in her writing. One interesting thing she did that I haven't seen done very often in the fantasies I've read is include a group of people who are essentially not believers, who call for a change to "outdated traditions." Even better, these people became the majority in the book and the characters (and the reader) often felt the heroes were at impossible odds. Nevertheless, the protagonists stick with their beliefs, knowing they are right, even when most of the world thinks they're wrong.

Worldly Elements: No language or icky scenes. Some violence and battle scenes but nothing over-the-top or gratuitous.

General Recommendation: Yes! I plan to buy a hard copy of this book for rereading and sharing.


  1. Awesome! I'll have to wait until after January to buy it, but when I do, you'll be one of the first to get to read it!
